The green dates means "requestable for check-in". Please select the dates of Check in | Check out and the number of Guests. Total accommodation fee will be displayed if the dates are available. Then please click [Request] button and proceed to input the details.

  • 2 to 4 Guests (Solo guest not accepted)
  • minimum 2 Nights, and maximum 3 Nights
  • At the moment, any kinds of dietary request not accepted (Booking from 2024/5/31~)
  • Best Rate Guarantee
※ One night stay is available only on Kumano Travel
Pilgrims Package
Check In
  • Breakfast and Supper included
  • Lunch boxes cost extra
  • Shuttle service available
  • Luggage transport available
  • Check-in 16:00-20:00
  • Check out by 11:00

We are currently restructuring our reservation system to ensure there are no misunderstanding and/or overlooking with guest's dietary request. Additionally, we are re-thinking which type of  dietary request we can continuously accept.
Therefore, any reservations with any dietary restriction cannot be made for now.

Any reservation with any food restriction will be accepted as below.
About spring (March, April, May and June) season, we will start to accept booking from October 1st.  As to fall season (September, October and November), from May 1st. 
Thank you for your understanding.