Room 1
The Lowest Standard Price
Check In

The Lowest - No Refund - Price

5% discount on the standard price.

NB! At this price you will not get a refund if you cancel the room!
Check In

Room 2
The Lowest Standard Price
Check In

The Lowest - No Refund - Price

5% discount on the standard price.

NB! At this price you will not get a refund if you cancel the room!
Check In

Important information when booking

The lowest room rate!
Of course the lowest rates you get from the owner himself. Here the room prices are always lower than with Booking, AirBnB or other providers!

Amount of nights
By default you book a minimum of 2 nights. Only when there is one night available between two reservations you can book one night.

Cancellation Policy
You can cancel the booking up to 1 day in advance. We will refund the full amount to you. If you cancel on the day of arrival, you pay the entire amount. For example: You arrive on the 12th; on the 10th you can still cancel and get 100% of your money back.

We do not serve breakfast! We believe that others can do it tastier and more environmentally friendly.