two-bedrooms apartment
This two-bedrooms apartment is completely made of fine  local craft woods painted in a soft cream color, this apartment has plenty of light inside and offer a fresh private  patio with  dining area to lay back and relax,under the shade of the mango  trees.It’s located on the ground floor, easy to access and close to the pool and the garden.Ideal for families with kids or a group of 4 friends.
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 Aria Condizionata


 Entrata Privata

 Cassetta di Sicurezza

 Ventola a soffitto


 Terrazzino aperto


 Sala per sedersi

 Prodotti da bagno






 Piatti, Utensili


 Forno a microonde


 Macchina per il caffè


 Animali Domestici

 Animali domestici su richiesta

 Piscina e Spa
