Discount are applied automatically when you book for:
3 nights: 10%
7 nights: 15%
28 nights: 20%

Regular free cancellable rate up to 5 days prior to arrival date. Full payment is taken after this deadline and is then non-refundable.

ALT Hostel: check-in from 3 p.m. until 3 a.m., checkout at 11 a.m.
Alternative hostel: check-in from 2 p.m. until 11 p.m., checkout at noon.


3 Bunk Bed dorm - women only
3 Bunk Beds Dorm (capacity of 6 guests). Women only.

Men booking in this dorm will be denied chech-in, with applying cancelation fees.




 Smoke Detector


 Air Conditioning


 Tumble Dryer


 Ironing Board

 Washing Machine

 Game Room

 First Aid Kit

 Fire Extinguisher

 Living Room




 Food and Drink






 Dishes, Utensils





 Shared Kitchen




 Coffee Maker




 Pets Not Allowed





 Ice Skating


 Smoking Not Allowed

 Not Wheelchair accessible

 Infants not allowed

 Children Not Allowed

Regular cancellable rate

Non-refundable rate (final sale)