Thank you for chosing Peniche Amboise for your stay at Toulouse.

By booking directly on offer you wil be offered is the cheapest you will find on the internet.

If you book with Google or a booking site, a surchage will be applied. We recommend to book directly through our web site (link above)

  • Via, +20%
  • Via Airbnb +8%

Breakfast is offered for children 10 years old or less. Please contact us before making the online booking in order to get a discount coupon.

As a reminder, pets are not allowed on board. So, we guest child(ren) minimum  8 years old.

Welcome aboard for a unusual stopover!
CABINE IV (1 lit double Queensized)
The atmosphere of this cabin is both nautical and romantic. Everything is all in exotic wood with a four-poster bed placed flush with the portholes (queen-sized mattress 160x200). The bathroom is in waxed concrete with a large shower. The floor is boat deck teak.

There are three portholes, two of which overlook the Canal du Midi. Office.

Semi-open bathroom, with shower, washbasin and WC


 Air Conditioning



















 Pets Not Allowed