Double Room
Room Only
  • Overnight parking available (1 night)
  • For Holiday Parking Options see Airport Parking Shop
  • Free Wi-Fi
  • All En-Suite
  • No breakfast or meal options are available
  • 8 min walk to the airport (500m) 
  • Information on transfer options - Transfers info

Room including 1 week Parking - No transfers
  • This room includes 1 week parking for 1 car - Transfers are not included
  • A week is from the day you fly until you return i.e fly on a Saturday and return on a Saturday
  • Cars kept on-site and you can keep your keys
  • No commercial sized vehicles
  • Free Wi-Fi
  • All En-Suite
  • No breakfast or meal options are available
  • 8 min walk to the airport (500m)
  • Information on transfer options - Transfers info

Room including 2 weeks parking - No Transfers
  • This room includes 2 weeks parking for 1 car - Transfers are not included
  • A week is from the day you fly until you return i.e fly on a Saturday and return on a Saturday
  • Cars kept on-site and you can keep your keys
  • No commercial sized vehicles
  • Free Wi-Fi
  • All En-Suite
  • No breakfast or meal options are available
  • 8 min walk to the airport (500m)
  • Information on transfer options - Transfers info

Family Barn 1
Family Barn 1
  • Up to 6 guests
  • 2 bedrooms rooms
  • 1 king size bed 
  • 2 single beds
  • Overnight parking available (1 night)
  • For Holiday Parking Options see Airport Parking Shop
  • Free Wi-Fi
  • All En-Suite
  • No breakfast or meal options are available
  • 8 min walk to the airport (500m) 
  • Information on transfer options - Transfers info

Barn including 1 week Parking - No transfers
  • This booking includes 1 week parking for 1 car - Transfers are not included
  • Up to 6 guests
  • 2 bedrooms rooms
  • 1 king size bed 
  • 2 single beds
  • Overnight parking available (1 night)
  • Free Wi-Fi
  • All En-Suite
  • No breakfast or meal options are available
  • 8 min walk to the airport (500m) 
  • Information on transfer options - Transfers info

Barn including 2 weeks parking - No Transfers
  • This booking includes 2 weeks parking for 1 car - Transfers are not included
  • Up to 6 guests
  • 2 bedrooms rooms
  • 1 king size bed 
  • 2 single beds
  • Overnight parking available (1 night)
  • Free Wi-Fi
  • All En-Suite
  • No breakfast or meal options are available
  • 8 min walk to the airport (500m) 
  • Information on transfer options - Transfers info

Family Barn 2
Family Barn 2
  • Up to 4 guests
  • 2 bedrooms rooms
  • 1 king size bed 
  • 2 single beds
  • Overnight parking available (1 night)
  • For Holiday Parking Options see Airport Parking Shop
  • Free Wi-Fi
  • All En-Suite
  • No breakfast or meal options are available
  • 8 min walk to the airport (500m) 
  • Information on transfer options - Transfers info

Barn including 1 week Parking - No transfers
  • This booking includes 1 week parking for 1 car - Transfers are not included
  • Up to 4 guests
  • 2 bedrooms rooms
  • 1 king size bed 
  • 2 single beds
  • Overnight parking available (1 night)
  • Free Wi-Fi
  • All En-Suite
  • No breakfast or meal options are available
  • 8 min walk to the airport (500m) 
  • Information on transfer options - Transfers info

Barn including 2 weeks parking - No Transfers
  • This booking includes 2 weeks parking for 1 car - Transfers are not included
  • Up to 4 guests
  • 2 bedrooms rooms
  • 1 king size bed 
  • 2 single beds
  • Overnight parking available (1 night)
  • For Holiday Parking Options see Airport Parking Shop
  • Free Wi-Fi
  • All En-Suite
  • No breakfast or meal options are available
  • 8 min walk to the airport (500m) 
  • Information on transfer options - Transfers info